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Hair Transplantation with FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Technique

FUE Technique for hair transplantation is the process of transplantation of the hair follicles of the patient one by one from the areas with high hair density to the areas with lower hair density. This technique, which is performed without using blades, depends on the method of extraction of hair follicles by a special needle. Since the hair follicles are extracted one by one rather than as block with this technique, it reduces tissue damage to an extent that cannot be compared with the older techniques. There will be no row of wounds and suture marks, thus the donor area becomes indistinguishable within a few days. Therefore, it is the preferred method for hair transplantation. This method is also frequently preferred by the patients. The patients are quite satisfied with their new hairs after implementation of this method.

Hair Transplantation with FUT (Follicular Unit Transfer) Technique

FUT method that may leave a slight scar on nape is successfully applied in appropriate cases. In FUT method, a skin tissue containing hair is removed from the nape. The person to whom hair transplantation will be applied should have hair on his/her nape area that will be used as donor area. The hair strand quality also affects the operation to be performed.

The method to be preferred should be decided together with our experienced team after analysis of hair and scalp taking into account the priorities of the person. Although the FUE method that does not leave scar is preferred, FUT method may also be required in some cases. Hair transplantation can be performed not only for baldness, but also to improve the hair density in the areas with low hair density.

Where Should Hair Transplantation be Performed?

One of the issues that should be considered before deciding on the hair transplantation operations, which can be applied for both women and men due to advancement in technology, is the quality and reliability of the chosen center.

Hair transplantation operation is a type of operation that is requested by people by having hesitation. The most important factor affecting the success to be achieved in hair transplantation operations is the correct choice of the hair transplantation center. The places that should be preferred primarily for the operation are hospitals and the private clinics to be organized for this application. Hair transplantation operations should be performed by applying local anesthesia in operating room environment. Sterile environment that will prevent the patient from getting infected during the operation should be provided. Hair transplantation center should have the relevant license. Hair transplantation operation should not be performed in the centers that do not have the relevant license and therefore are not legal. In order to achieve success in the operation, the doctors and team members who will perform hair transplantation should have experience and the center should be fully equipped.

Graft Calculation

Graft is one of the terms encountered everywhere by the people who want to get hair transplant. Graft calculation is an important element required for correct performance of hair transplantation. Pricing of hair transplantation is completely determined according to the graft number.

Graft is the name of the area where there are hair follicles and a small amount of skin. There are approximately 2-3 hair strands in a graft. For example, 2000 grafts corresponds 4000-6000 hair follicles.

Before hair transplantation, graft calculation is performed by the attending physicians to determine the number of grafts required by the person and hair line is drawn. Then, grafts in an amount to meet the requirement are taken from the donor area between two ears and transferred to the hairless areas.

Accurate graft calculation depends on some factors. The most important ones of them are the amount of graft in the area from where grafts will be taken and the adequacy of your donor area. There should be adequate amount of hair in the donor area for good hair transplantation

Recommendations Before and After Hair Transplantation

Hair transplantation operation is a surgical operation that helps recovery of baldness and hairlessness. Complete fulfillment of the instructions to be given by your doctor before and after the operation will help you for getting over the process without any problem. Your doctor will give you some instructions regarding eating, drinking, smoking, not using certain vitamins and medicines or the way of using of them before hair transplantation operation. Being careful to fulfill these instructions allows your doctor to perform the operation more easily. If you smoke, it is important to quit smoking one or two weeks before the operation. Smoking cigarette may disturb the nutritional blood flow to the skin and this situation adversely affects the healing process of the wounds. You may need a friend who will accompany you to your home after the operation. It will be a good idea to inform the person who will accompany you a few days before the operation. You may need support in other matters, for example at work and at home, and it will be better to identify the people who will help you in advance.

Recommendations/Requirements Before and After Hair Transplantation

Your feelings after the operation depend on the type of hair transplantation technique applied. You can relieve the pain, burning or throbbing sensation on your scalp with painkillers prescribed by your doctor. If you are using bandages, these bandages are usually removed one day later. The sutures are removed within a period of one week to ten days after the operation. Your doctor will explain the possibility of swelling, bruising and inflammation according to the technique applied.

Sports activities that require force accelerate the blood flow to the scalp. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid the exercises requiring force and contact sports for at least three weeks, since they may cause bleeding of the incisions.

Your doctor may request to examine you several times during the days following the operation to be sure that your incisions have healed correctly. It is very important for you to follow the recommendations made by your doctor during these examinations exactly.

Beard/Mustache/Eyebrow Transplantation

Unless there is a significant change in male hormone level, beard and mustache hairs thicken and take their terminal forms within a few years after adolescence. The texture and quality of hair, beard and mustache are completely genetic.

Loss of beard and mustache may be due to hormone levels and skin diseases, but autoimmune disorders may also cause such losses. Skin disease called Alopecia Areata is the leading of autoimmune disorders causing loss of beard/mustache/eyebrows. In such cases, there is no medical or cosmetic treatment for growth of new hair and transplantation is the only solution. This transplantation process performed with FUE technique is the process of filling the area with no hair/facial hair. It is based on the principle of transplanting the healthy hair follicles (grafts) from the nape area to the beardless area.

Transplantation Process;

  • First of all, the area where transplantation will be performed is determined and its photographs are taken,
  • The hairy area between the two ears is shaved,
  • The area where transplantation is performed is anesthetized by local anesthesia,
  • Channels are opened in the area where there is no beard-mustache-sideburn,
  • Nape area is anesthetized with local anesthesia,
  • Grafts are taken in accordance with the number of channels opened,
  • The grafts with two and three follicles are separated,
  • The grafts with one follicle are transplanted into the opened channels.

Points to be Taken into Consideration During Transplantation

  • First of all, the area where transplantation will be performed should be determined.
  • Channels should be opened in the determined area without disturbing its overall denseness.
  • The opened channels should be in the same direction and angle with the existing hairs, thus the transplanted beard-mustache or sideburn cannot be different from the others.
  • All hairs to be transplanted should have one follicle.

After Transplantation Process;

  • After transplantation, both the donor area (nape) and the transplantation area will appear red and wounded.
  • Any swelling, pain or ache is not expected.
  • Lotion is applied to both the transplantation area and the donor area within 24-36 hours after transplantation and they are washed with the recommended shampoo after about 1 hour.
  • This washing process is repeated for 15 days.
  • Wounds close in about 4-5 days and heal in 10-12 days.
  • During this time, the hair strands that are seen at the ends of the transplanted hair are broken and shed.
  • The roots begin to appear slowly within 3-4 months and transplantation process is completed in about 1 year.

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